Gut-Brain Connection & Menopause

Janelle asks: I feel the gut-brain connection is more prominent at my age now at 42 (or I have become more aware of it). Does it get heightened during PMS, perimenopause, and pre-menopause?

Val Schonberg (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and NAMS-certified menopause practitioner): Hi, Janelle! Yes, fluctuating hormones and the presence or absence of estrogen, that occurs before or during the menstrual cycle (remember puberty) and during the transition to menopause influences the gut-brain connection. The gut-brain connection refers to a bidirectional communication between the “gut” (your digestive system) and the brain. Complex and intricate neurological and physiological factors influence this connection, and in the past decade this has become a hot area of nutritional and psychological research. Scientists continue to reveal information about this two-way highway and the consequential impact of emotions, stress, and hormones on gut function, as well as the influence of the food we eat (and the resulting trillions of microorganisms that exist in the gut) on mood, anxiety, stress, and brain function. Although we know that this complex connection impacts women at all stages of life, the research is still evolving as it relates to the shift in hormones during menopause.

You may become aware of this connection when you experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation and/or diarrhea, but also when feeling anxious, moody, fatigue, or suffering with headaches or “brain fog.” More extreme symptoms such as persistent migraines, “urgent diarrhea” or “functional constipation,” could be related to signs of other health concerns and should be discussed with a qualified physician, such as a gastroenterologist or your gynecologist. Additionally, it is recommended if you are suffering from disabling feelings of depression or unmanaged anxiety to visit with a licensed psychologist.

Like hormones, stress and diet also impact the health of the gut-brain connection. Consequently, as women approach their mid-40’s, additional stress such as career changes, kids leaving for college, divorce, aging parents, downsizing, etc. may increase. At the same time, women may unintentionally or intentionally be skipping meals, cooking less at home, and eating out more or more frequently and diet quality may suffer. Nutrition research in this area is relatively new and emerging. We are learning that a diet rich in plant foods and fiber (whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, and legumes), supports a more healthy, diverse microbiome (the name for those trillions of microorganisms) and is associated with improvements in digestion as well as overall physical and mental health. The habitual intake of fermented foods, such as yogurt (with live and active cultures), sauerkraut, and kefir may also help maintain a healthy gut. Negative influences on the gut microbiome that may affect health and disease risk include chronic over consumption of ultra-processed foods (sodas, packaged snacks, energy drinks, energy bars, etc.), diets high in fat and animal protein, as well as yo-yo dieting or going on and off diets, and certain medications.

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I’ve always had gut problems as far back as I can recall. Laying in bed as a little girl feeling nauseous and growing up with guts that didn’t conform like a “normal” persons should. I used to get diarrhoea at a drop of a hat and my weight plummeted a year after having my daughter at 30. I became so poorly and my weight dropped to just 6 stone. I had test after test, saw Gastroenterologist and Professors, dieticians and Health specialists… none of them could figure out what was wrong.

I have worked it out on my own! Since starting the peri stage my periods have been less regular, and I’ve noticed that my troubled guts have been giving me less grief. I’ve nailed it to every time I have a period my IBS flares up because when I don’t bleed, my gut behaves better. I’ve gained some much needed weight and I can eat a bit better! I’m happy at this stage for the time being… I hope my guts don’t go back to that hell again.

My IBS has gotten worse over the last few years could there be a connection to me starting the menopause

Same here I wondered if there was a connection too.

Vitamin D is a must for IBS, you can take 10,000 ius up to 30,000ius

Same here!

Honestly my gut is really bad, sweating in the night, & forgetting plus sweating. Please help I’m desperate. I’m drinking Kefir .
What can I do pliiiiz advise

My experience has been, HTR cured those horrible hot (and then cold!) flashes.

Psyllium husks. My post above was meant for you.

Also Culturelle offers probiotics in a daily pill form they say is designed to thrive in the human intestines.* Sometimes the dairy in kefir can lead to other digestive issues.

* I just went to their website and they even have a formula for vaginal health now

Great to read Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy works wonders with this connection- a therapy session but also a chance to digest all of the stress hormones and encourage the body to self regulation. Highly recommend.

This sounds quite interesting. I will look into it. Thanks for sharing ?

I wondered if taking certain anti depressants to deal with anxiety and depression associated with the menopause can also contribute to poor bowel function?

I want to know the answer to this too!!

K-rock ? yeah it’s all posiounus to the human body especially black men and women try selling your soul to the devil ? god nah fr “friend” September 7th. Good Septembaah 9thfah lol Ugg’s lol just love me and bootleg bitch.I am bootleg lol bootleg da bootleg cock glover.

Zoloft (Sertraline) is rough on the digestive system for some.

Read the book optimal dose
By Judson Somerville

My understanding is that any medication including anti depressants will reduce the effectiveness of your good gut bacteria. Have you tried taking a probiotic supplement to restore your gut biome?

I’ve never noticed any gut related side effects from my many years on antidepressants (Prozac AND Wellbutrin).

I took bupropion HCL XL for a few months for anxiety. It really helped but make sure you take it at the same time everyday or mood swings & emotions can be very disturbing. It does help.
It may help curb appetite and give you energy. As for bowel function – loose.

I developed painful IBS when perimenopause commenced and often had to rush to the toilet (not great in the middle of teaching a class). I had a senior position and was very stressed at work and a toddler with Down Syndrome who had a lot of medical appointments to attend. I worked quite a distance from home and found it difficult to juggle everything. School were not very supportive. I ended up with severe anxiety and depression and had to leave my job in the end because I became so ill. I seriously felt like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Now I have retrained as a Makaton tutor and my IBS is practically gone! I have now reached menopause and still get anxiety but not on the same scale at all.

So tough when symptoms mean we need a job change. Same for me and many women. Glad you were able to retrain, we need to try to adapt to these changes, even though we might not want to. Glad you found a way to make the changes you needed.

What a time for you. I have heard similar stories of unsupportive schools and employers. I am sorry, after your hard work to reach a senior position, that you had to leave your job. How wonderful that you were able to te-train into something else. I am going to look up Malayan education as I am unfamiliar with it. Best to you and your little one.????

I’ve been having burning and stomach upset off and on since February. A blood antibody test showed presence of h pylori antibodies so went on 14 day therapy of antibiotics. Finished treatment and now still sensitive to thi Ng a I eat and on supplements to help heal. Not even sure if this is all h pylori since I only got blood test (not conclusive) but anyone else? Tension headaches and stomach issues on and off the last couple months…

I hear your frustration . I had very similar situation intense stomach pain that often was followed by vomiting and diarrhea. For over year first I thought just real sensitive GI then started happening more often. Went to see a GI doctor. Thought I was crazy. They eventually found H pylori, treated and cured. Then ended up in the hospital with irshemic colitis many MRIs and CT scans all clear. Got my self a different GI. He did a colonoscopy all clear but at least he listened. He suggested I go on. A low food map diet which helped . In the mean time my husband and I figured my really bad bouts were caused by caffeine, wine, coffee, dairy.
Then by chance saw a GYN specialist about a cyst. Asked him if food intolerances was a system of premenopause . He yes to all just a relief to know.

This is excellent information. I am 55 years old and my menopause can’t make its mind up. Stop, go, visit a few days or cramp and camp out 7 1/2 days maybe play peek a boo or hide and seek. I suffer from anxiety and other things. I don’t like the added stress and weight gain. Thanks for your well needed information.?

My granddaughter Aryanna lopes has covid long hauler syndrome and is experiencing blood clots in her lungs, brain fog, having a really hard time walking and she believes that she’s had a TIA !! The doctors and nurses aren’t very helpful because the majority of them, have no idea about this serious matter
Can you please help her?
She is only 19 years old and was in the greatest health and had been eating right and exercising and now she feels useless and downright worried as to what her future may hold!!! Can you please help her or at least help to guide her throughout her journey of this horrifying situation that she not only can’t breathe or do anything because she was so healthy and vibrant. She had covid over now 12 months ago and now she’s far worse and could have died from the pulmonary blood clots and possible TIA and the mere fact that even the so called doctors/specialists can’t help her because they don’t understand it themselves?? What type of message does it send to others who may have the same disease or whatever it is!!

Its a long process dnt worry about the future take one day at a time .. drink water eat nuts dates n milk yougurts cereal porriage fruit and tell her to try and take small steps to dig deep each step will lead to a bigger one take her time she can do it … give her my hugs

The long haul often responds well to the same protocol (diet, etc) of healing Chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia. There are a ton of YouTube videos that are helpful and encouraging.

It’s my understanding that diarrhea at the time of your bleed – especially if you experience heavy cramping – is due to elevated prostaglandins. Yes, the gut can be implicated, but it’s so much more – lots of interconnection with other systems.

I have mainly a plant based diet, lots of juices and mainly water to drink and yet I am getting diarrhoea certain times of the month. I have become very aware of my gut and seems like IBS but sure it is hormone related. The diarrhoea has given me haemorrhoids

Me too. So now I am trying Paleo and my IBS is much better the past month. Strange.

You can’t like on the posts.?? Good Gut Diet is everything!

I try and stay away from bread. More fiber and protein and tons of fruit!

This is interesting. I was under the impression I was experiencing S.I.B.O. Perhaps this is in addition to that. Legumes, beans, whole grains are disastrous for me.

I eat really well but I get bad headaches every month

I have noticed in the last 6 months or so that my appetite has changed. I feel hungry but nothing is appealing. It is actually frustrating, I eat a mostly plant based diet with some fish thrown in, I am 51 and most definitely in the throes of peri menopause…I plan my meals and am a pretty healthy eater. Some days it seems as if my appetite (or more specifically what I feel like eating) changes on the hour. Is this part of menopause? I think it must be because I have never experienced this before. Last week Saturday we brought food at a favorite restaurant – I ordered my usual which I usually really enjoy and the food actually tasted weird. Some days I get home from work and just cannot decide what to eat because nothing seems appealing at all.

I’ve been experiencing different appetite too. I don’t need to eat as much and I’ve gained 10-15 lbs.

Can I make myself a coffee now please?!?

Psysilium husks!!

Pure fiber available in bulk at health food stores or Trader Joe’s. A heaping tablespoon taken in water on an empty stomach each morning is revolutionary.

I noticed my hot flashes diminish when I am on the routine. The other benefits include reducing hemorrhoids, constipation, cholesterol and heartburn.

At first you may feel bloated but I swear if you stick with it in 3-4 days expect one push poops you will want to show people and maybe even a sort of post-coital euphoria afterwards!

Ha! This is awesome!!!

Amen to that! At 46, I went through losing both parents, my kids, my husband due to divorce, bankruptcy, domestic abuse counseling after STBX put me in jail, sister stealing inheritance, causing depression, anxiety, after molestation by therapist, plus other things. At 47, my gallbladder was removed. At 48, my entire large colon was removed due to pre-cancerous lesions (at Mayo Clinic, who attached my small intestine to my anus, so I can poop ? regularly vs having an ileostomy bag). They said I most likely had ulcerative colitis vs. IBS, which was diagnosed at 19. I blame gut Flora based on leaky gut due to lifelong stress and depression (raised by, then marriage to, a narcissist). I have had two small bowel obstructions, and at one time dropped 40 pounds without trying. Now I take a combination PRE & PRO BIOTIC to clean out the bad stuff and put in the good stuff. I’ve learned healing yourself is possible (read “Cleaning up your Mental Mess” by Dr. Caroline Leaf), in 63 days (three sets of 21 days, using your mind, which controls the brain, which controls everything in the body, and can add to the length of telomeres, the ends of (if I remember correctly

This is totally me and not sure how to manage my symptoms. I feel it’s progressively got worse and anxiety connection. I’ve had it check out medically as in my heart is healthy, stomach good snd bowels okay. So I know it’s clearly a hormone-brain connection and as I have got older my career and job demands increased, pandemic has not helped nor has having kids leave home for university.

My brain and my hormones proving to me that my body is hypersensitive to every emotion.

Thank you for this informative section and hope ou may suggest more combat therapy.

I’m 49 years old & have had joint pains, legs, arms & hips, gut problems & dizziness. Does anyone else suffer with dizziness?