Changing body odor?

Since I have been in menopause, it’s like someone stuffed my armpits with onions and in the lower region (vagina area) are weird smells that I never encountered before. I was so scared that I went to my OBGYN to check if there was anything going on and he said that hormone changes can cause things to smell differently. Since being in menopause, I have to take at least 3 showers a day, because I’m so worried that I smell. The deodorant I use wears off and my armpits are drenched in sweat? Can anyone recommend a good deodorant or any other hygiene products?

– Robin, Colorado

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Hi Robin

I have to admit being the same. My armpits nearly always smell at the end of the day and sometimes even after showering I’m convinced I can still smell stale sweat. That’s perhaps my imagination but it upsets me. As for the lower region I remember when I first noticed the smell it reminded me of the small toilet we had at home when I lived with my grandmother. If I followed shortly after she’d been in the smell was the same. This comforted me a bit when I realised she would’ve been about my age then and that obviously this was a menopause symptom but it can still be embarrassing.

So glad you were brave enough to share this as it’s one of many things us women are not keen to talk about. I remember being terrified during my first pregnancy when I was starting iron tablets I’d been prescribed. No one told me they can turn your stools black. It was something I vowed to tell friends if I knew they’d been prescribed iron. After all we need to be there for each other. Thanks again

So basically what do we do about?

Hey Robin

I was in the same boat. I felt like I was smellier than a teenage boy and my armpits were continuing flood of sweat and smells.. I was horrified!

In the uk there is a deodorant called Mitchum and it has turned my life around. I am no longer stinking and the sweating has reduced to a normal amount unfortunately they don’t do a version for downstairs otherwise I’d be using that too. But if you can get Mitchum roll on deodorant then give it a bash it really has been the only thing to work for me. Good luck.

I second the Mitchum suggestion. I use the stick deodorant, and it’s the only thing I’ve found that will work all day. It’s also great on the inner thighs as an anti-chafe balm, with the double-bonus of masking groinal whiffage.

(As an aside, I am so relieved to know it’s not just me, so thank you all so much for opening up about this so I don’t feel like the only stinky freak! <3)

“Groinal whiffage” – made me laugh ?

‘Groinal whiffage….. brilliant ?

Thank you Lorna and Coco,

I really feels good to be apart of a community of women who get it and don’t make you feel awkward about menopause issues. I’m gonna try the Mitchum and see how that goes. I appreciate both of you ladies. It’s like I’ve been bathing in onions and waking up smelling like that because of the night sweats is annoying too. I’ll keep you both posted. Thanks again

Yes I have found the Mitchum roll on to be the only effective way with that stronger smells. During my regular cycle there was always a slight change to my body odour and breath (almost more musky), and with menopause the body odour is stronger as is the smell with the mid cycle discharge. A friend swears by the rock crystal deodorant (sorry I can’t remember the brand). You are not alone ?

I use the Crystal brand. It’s a natural deodorant. I use the roll on. I went to it about two years ago. It took time to detox through it but now, if I use anything else, THEN I do stink. I believe it’s called Crystal. I have roll ons, sprays and stick types. I find the roll on works best for me and I use the sprays as a body spray. They have several scents now, and unscented. I have the rock one but haven’t used it in a long time. You have to add water to it every time you use it. It is what I started with until they developed all these others.
Wishing you the best. It really is not fun. ♥️

UK brand is Salt of the Earth. Amazing…give it a go!

Which Mitchum are you ladies using? I’m having the same issues as pretty much everyone on this feed. I used Degree Clinical Summer Strength for a few years, and it was great at controlling odor. Unfortunately, I am suddenly allergic to products with aluminum- red ITCHY hives! I’ve spent so much money trying different deodorants.

But Mitchum has aluminum in it and it’s all about doing aluminum-free in deodorants?

I am totally with you on this. I keep worrying that I’ve got bacterial vaginosis. I have to wash lots more and am using several panty liners a day so I can freshen up and get rid of the smell for a while. Thank you for raising this – I was worried it was just me.

I have to admit, I thought I was alone in this smelly problem as well. I too go through several pantry liners, vaginal wipes and deodorant vaginal spray a day. They used to make deodorant pantry liners but I can’t seem to find them anymore. I’ve never douched before but now I’m doing it twice a week. It’s so much work and so much money and I don’t see any good side of this curse us women are blessed with. I mean when you have something hard you have to go through, there’s usually a reward in the end. When you’re pregnant, it’s hard work but you get this beautiful baby in the end. What comes after menopause? Diaper? Well I sure hope they make deodorant diaper. Lol! I love this app! There’s like a bunch of mini me’s here. Thank you all for sharing.

I just spoke with my doctor yesterday about all these issues. She prescribed me estrogen that I have to put in my lady parts 2x a week. She said it is normal and it will replenish what’s been lost since my hysterectomy.

Be careful dishing so much as you will throw your pH balance completely off I’ve been told that the Va Jay Jay Does it naturally. But if you’re having any issues, maybe go ahead and talk to your gynecologist and see what suggestions they may have me personally I prefer a female gynecologist because a man can’t tell me about this female body.

Bacterial Vaginosis is a change in pH balance. I use a syringe mixed with half water and half Hydrogen Peroxide as a douche. It works immediately and neutralizes the smell. It’s safe to use everyday too. Safe for your body too. Doctors don’t tell you about this. I did a lot of research on it. Our bodies naturally produce hydrogen peroxide anyway.

I been using the boric acid vaginally suppositories recommended by my doctor and they work very well.They also help maintain a healthy ph level. I found mine in Walmart. ??

Douching with hydrogen peroxide is not advised by doctors because it can throw the ph of your vagina off, cause irritation, make BV worse, and spread any infection farther up into the urinary tract. BV needs treatment by your physician.

Hi Lisa
I use the Femfresh soothing wash, cranberry and probiotics, absolute lifesaver! (It’s the pink and white bottle)
Combined with a swig of Actimel..seems to have eliminated the problem.

Well, Robin, I’m in your stinky boat with you. I have an added bit of interest in that I am also allergic to most deodorant on the market. I’m using Lumé currently, because I can add more if I feel the need, AND it’s safe for privates. It’s a little on the pricey side, but a little goes a long way.

I have also found that eating cruciferous veggies adds to my stink… so eating those items less helps. Also, I have made sure to eat lots of fruits, pineapple being one, that adds to a sweeter scent. I find I still reapply deodorant, but far less than if I don’t consume fruits daily.

I’m also open to other ideas! Let’s help each other not be stinky onions.

Hi Heather,

I thank you that I’m not the only member of the Stinky Onion Armpit Society. ?Whatever I can do for us to not be stinky onions, I will do also. I will keep you posted on anything that I find for us.

Well crap. Cruciferous veg is a staple in bodybuilder meal plan & I eat about 6 cups a day ?

I was never a sweaty smelly person. I could get away without wearing deodorant unless I was being super active and did something that made me sweaty. But the smell in my vaginal area is so oniony and I hate it so much.

I use Lume, tends to work on my arm pits, not always in the vaginal area. I’m so embarrassed by the smell and am constantly using wipes (they are like the washcloth type and unscented

As well as unique new smells, Does anyone else get itchy, like you’ve got hives, particularly in hairy areas – armpits, groin, places where you sweat? And generally all over the body! I have to take anti- histamines with more regularity now a days!

I get a really really bad itchy scalp at the base/back of my head! It’s only this one bit and it’s been like it for about a year! Drives me mad at times! Usually if a nighttime.

Ask your Doctor for something to treat this – I have had this for years and is connected to my Dermititus. The liquid they give me works brilliantly. When I was in the Uk I used Betnovate and it has betamethasone 0.1%


Hi Eve, Me too! just at the base of my scalp. I also get the skin crawls…feels like there are bugs on me half the time, its very annoying to say the least. Well, misery loves company as they say, I was beginning to think i had some sort of mite or tiny bug problem, but it seems many women my age have this itchy skin crawl.,

Omg I thought I was the only one… I love this app- at least I don’t feel alone anymore

Wow! Me too! Thank you, I though OMG, please don’t let it be bugs! I keep my long thick hair washed & clean w times a week. So glad others feel this too.
As well as ‘ smelly’ pits & privates!! I will be 50 in June , always HOT. sweaty most of the time. Sleep what’s that?? 😆
Thank you to all you great ladies for sharing your embarrassing stories. It has helped so much!

My holistic doc relates that to candida. When I cleaned up my diet, the groin itching stopped. Mine was in the crook of my leg. Not in my girly bits.

Hi Pam at Age 52 I also have red rash at base on my scalp,,, cleaned up the surgar, but notice with night shade veggies High lectins foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, onions, causes me to itch,,red rash has been with me for years,, avoiding those foods helps with itching symptoms?

Yes!!! I am soooo itchy! I carry Benadryl with me EVERY WHERE ?

Me too!!!!!

I have the EXACT same symptoms! I looked it up and it says something about progesterone hypersensitivity and that antihistamines can be used. The intense itching started July 4, 2021 for me. I broke out in hives for 3 months straight, but now I start to itch about 10 days before my cycle starts and I get some relief after that until the next month when this unbearable cycle repeats itself:(. I’m itching as write this post…(funny, but not funny).

I have the same problem. I break out about 7-10 days before my cycle starts. My Rheumatologist diagnosed it as Lichen Planus. I have oral Lichen Planus on my tongue too. It’s so obviously linked with my hormones. This month it’s everywhere – lips, inside ears, scalp, fingers, legs, arms, neck, chest, face, even my vulva ?. Anti-histamines, Epsom salt & bicarbonate soda in the bath. Steroid cream if I can’t control the itch.

My dr recommended taking zinc to help with itching and it really works takes a week or so to kick in but stopped all my itching She said it is common in peri and meno because of the changes happening and zinc hellps

I feel like keeping the hair gone in all areas helps because it seems it’s like a breeding ground for odors.

Hi Robin, I also use nuud deodorant, it’s completely natural and although I still sweat, it seems to neutralise any smell as long as I wash regularly. Mitchum is better, but I worry about the Aluminium in most deodorant and so prefer to work with this instead.
I also cut up cotton handkerchief’s and fold longways to go under my breasts, inside my bras. It catches sweat and stops the area there becoming red and sore x

Same here, no suggestions but you are not alone.

Well, well, well. How great is this conversation. Thank you for raising this. I’m well into menopause and found this symptom came and went. So take heart – it will change. I also agree with the idea of using Mitchum to ease things.
At the moment I’m dealing with raging hot flashes. Cooler weather seems to be stalling them at the moment or may be this too has passed.
Take heart sisters.

What a blessing this app is!!! I love how open and honest we can be ? I stopped having periods about 5 years ago (aged 46) And went through so many changes in peri and about 2yrs after including the smells and soaking, stinky armpits! Have faith lovelies, it will pass but whilst going through it is crappy (as well as dealing with all the other symptoms) we really are warriors!!! Due to Breast Cancer in the family I had to be careful with what I was putting on my armpits, I stayed away from the brands that were strong, contained aluminium and stopped you perspiring (your breast tissue goes into your pit area) any toxins and sweat need to come out not in and that’s hard especially if at work and your tops are soaked and smelly!!! I used the crystal deodorant and the body shop aloe Vera brand as all the others seem to create a really weird stink ? I can now (after a few years of no periods) wear shirts again! Have faith!
With regards to the stinky nether regions, that was a shock!! I tried lots of things but quickly realised, the more soaps etc I used the quicker it would come back and more I needed due to change in ph balance. I now make sure I go to the toilet as often as possible (Too many UTI’s) and always carry a water bottle in my bag so I can fill with warm water in sinks and rinse down after every pee (even at work) this has really helped in all areas!! I try not to use any smelly stuff and noticed it was worse with non natural clothes detergent and conditioner, the more smelly the detergent and conditioner the more my body kicked out a pong (almost in protest but think it affected the natural ph) so now use either Ecover or Method- so much better!!! Tea and coffee with dairy milk also made my wee smell! I guess it’s like gut health (all part of the same system) my body was telling me to look after it with more natural maintenance. Big love you warriors and have hope and know this too shall pass ? xx

Do you have a bidet at home? It does both front and back areas and is a chance to “clean up” before cleaning up? Got for husband’s surgery but we all use it now. Also I always sleep with no underwear as the doctors said not letting it get air is breeding the UTI’s.

I love Native deodorant. I have always sweated through any deodorant I used. I does not have aluminum, so it took me 2 -weeks to acclimate to it (switching from aluminum to non-aluminum takes a little time). I always stunk by the end of the day. After the transition to Native, I NEVER stink (& I swear a lot).

I’ve also seen Lume for “down there” deodorant, but I’ve never used it.

Hi Ali, I use Native, I wished they had kept their original formula though, they recently added ‘perfum’ to it and it has a funny smell now, i have only used the coconut and vanilla one, and used to smell lovely before. I sweat a lot in hot days anyway and though Native natural deodorants don’t stop you sweating I don’t smell bad even after a full workout! Contrary to the aluminium based commercial deodorants that makes me stinky after sweating!

Can confirm, Lume for “down there” is a godsend. I’m training for a marathon and I use it for nethers. It’s a minor miracle. After a 2 hour run I still smell sweaty, but normal/clean sweaty. Not bog-creature sweaty.

I’m in the UK and we have Mitchum Ultimate Gel here and it works well for me.
Also applying glycolic acid (yep the stuff for your face) on your underarms works wonders against body odour. I use the one by The Ordinary as it’s strong stuff but really reasonably priced. I apply it with just my palms and wait for it to dry before applying deodorant.

I used to be really sweaty and no matter what I used including the aluminium based industrial antiperspirant deodorant, I would still be a bit smelly by the end of the day.
I’ve been using Nuud for about a year now. A tiny tube lasts for months, I only need to use it twice a week, it even worked in Australia! It’s vegan, environmentally friendly, all natural, zinc and Antibacterial silver. Even the packaging is made of sugar and is recyclable.
On another note, very odd, the other area used to smell of butter when I was peri menopausal. Very odd, not horrible, just odd.

Hi Lucia, That is so interesting!! My nether region smells like butter/ buttered biscuits almost all the time. I am in peri mode!! 5 months “” Clear”” so far. Come on 12 months!! 😆

Similar issue with really stinky armpits. Find it a bit upsetting at the moment and glad (but not so glad) I live alone so it doesn’t affect anyone else. I found that even after washing, the scent was just sitting on my flannels and was awful. I had a brainwave and remembered I had some Organic apple cider vinegar (the mother) In my cupboard. Dabbed some on some cotton wool pads (with a bit of water) and wiped my pits. Instant killing of all bacteria! Removed the odour and the ‘darkness’ of my pits from a build up I had. I don’t use as a deodorant as try to go without at home to allow my pits to breathe but has helped. When I do use deodorant I have started using Pitt Balm from which is natural. I’m still waiting for it to work a bit better while the toxins come out my body.

Great to hear I’m not alone ladies! Though isn’t it a shame that we have to go through this AND that no one talks about this. Still feels a taboo subject. I’m 46 now and been struggling with weird symptoms for a few years. One of which is my sense of smell went off key last year. And after toilet visits, “those” smells are completely different. My GP just said it was odd and that was that! They just don’t know what to advise / what to do. For those struggling with suspected Bacteria Vaginosis, I think I went through that a few years ago and thankfully discovered FemFresh. This immediately sorted it out – think it addresses the PH balance. Keep strong ladies. We’re in this together ?

Not sure how old this thread is but I hope this helps someone. I’ve had a recent problem with the onion odor after sweating. I started using 7% glycolic acid toner and it’s totally gotten rid of the smell. I’m amazed. Even after I’ve showered and not reapplied. I apply it every couple of days. I use a cotton ball and wipe my groin and outer vulva, not the inner lips. Sorry for the TMI ?. I hope this helps someone.

Not sure if this is still an active thread but I had a complete hysterectomy last year and the vaginal odor is so embarrassing. I am constantly sniffing to see if my armpits are stinky or if my vaginal area is smelling like a musty horse stall. I am constantly changing my underwear or filling my underwear with baby powder. I even spray fabreeze on my pants in the crotch area lol. Ugh I hate menopause!!!

Hi Robin, I’m Rachael. I also suffer with excessive sweating and often wash and change halfway through the day.
I wake early, and my nighty is wet around my chest and neck area.
I often feel paranoid and smell myself regularly, also change pads/underwear if damp.
I wash with wipes after toileting as it helps to make me feel fresher. ?

Try Native products – it smells amazing. I suffered all my life with extreme excessive sweating and had perscription deodorants which just burnt my armpits. I would also have to change & wash 3 or more times a day!
Native deodorant has changed my life! You can only by it online and it is pricey but absolutely 100% worth it. I don’t sweat at all now and still smell amazing to the end of the day. All natural ingredients too.
Please try and honestly you will be converted I promise.

I started using Native going on a year now, but I recently started noticing a put smell even though that! It’s almost a musk and ammonia smell. It makes me wonder if my ancestry includes a Sasquatch. I’m having to wash or use wipes during the middle of the day before reapplying.
The nethers smell has changed since entering the ‘pause as well. I was told to try micellar water on my wet wipes as the pH is 5.5.

OMD!! Thanks Robin for starting this topic, l thought the ? smell was because of the spices l use in my meals. I have been scrubbing my arms so much when l have a both/ shower, surprised my armpits isn’t sore or bleeding ? l have started using natural organic deodorant by FitPit works for me during the day. However after reading some of the comments below l am going up purchase Mitchum for my punani ?

Thanks for raising this I have literally just been googling and researching into the different vaginal smells. I too have had thoughts it might be something like an infection and have had swans taken . I hate the fact that I can smell myself it makes me very conscious.

Hey all,

I too have noticed my armpits have more odor now then before menopause. But, here’s what really bothers me. My urine smell. OMG, sometimes, I’m like, “what the hell is that????”
It not only smells like ammonia but lingers in the bathroom if not flushed right away.

To top that off, for the first time since childhood, I had a incontinent night. I woke up soaked. I was completely mortified but worse was I ended up having to wash my sheets and blankets twice as the urine smell was so pungent it didn’t go away after the first wash.

Anyone out there having a strong urine smell?
Any suggestions on how to reduce it? I drink almost 64 ounces of water a day.

I’ve noticed more pungent urine too but don’t have any suggestions I’m afraid. I drink plenty of fluids too. Any advice from the community welcome.

I’m another honking woman. I was chatting with a friend a couple of days ago and she’s the same. Its a horrible stale sweat smell from the armpits and groin and the smell from my pee is horrendous. I stopped using chemical deodorants and have been using Tisserand which smell lovely but unfortunately not strong enough to disguise the horrible whiff that is brought on from walking the dog! I’ll try the crystal thing. One thing I can heartily recommend is a bidet. I insisted on one when we moved house and it’s seriously the best thing I ever did. Great for foot washing too! So comforted by the fact that its not just me that stinks.

I’m with you on this, it also seems to have a more amber color too, along with my onion armpits and honestly ladies I will use Summer Eve spray it comes in a can just to kinda offset the musty smell down their especially if I have to go somewhere. And it works, they also have wipes that you can keep in your purse.

My 10 year old told me to make sure I flush right away because my tinkles makes the bathroom smell differently. About a year ago, I noticed an intermittent wafting of ammonia, but it seemed to come and go and the more water I drank, it became less of an issue. Drinking 64+ ounces makes it go away completely for me.

If your urine has a strong odor you may have a urinary tract infection. You need a urine culture and possibly antibiotics. An untreated uti can make u very sick

Yes I’ve noticed this too. My mum used Mitchum and as we all eventually become our mums, guess I’ll be buying some too!

As for the Vijayjay yuckies scent… I use the feminine wet wipes after every visit to the toilet. And I find drinking lots of water dilutes the smell of urine and therefor the transfer to yourself! I hope the Golden Years will have more to offer than a pre-occupation of body odour management…

I am so relieved to know I am not alone in the self-conscious smelly department. I also use pantyliners and change often to feel fresh. My armpits seem manageable , my issue is all the sweating in the groin area, it drives me crazy and I usually wake up drenched from the waist down. I find it hard to be compassionate with myself because of all the unpleasantness my body is doing and how it smells. My diet, exercise and weight is ok it is just all the vaginal discharge and sweat that makes me uncomfortable. I am 59 and have a Mirena coil and use estrogen gel nightly.

I was just about to suck it up and put this question out to y’all! I can’t tell you how relieved I am to know I am not imagining the “groinal whiffage”!
Thanks everyone for being totally blunt!

Does anyone have a problem with urine smelling bad. I kept blaming the dog. Then I realized it was me.

Thank you for this topic Robin!
I am in the same boat. I am into year 2 of menopause and its roller-coaster of hormone fluctuations, hot flashes & weird smells; the menopause BO wafting out of my “Hell Pits” and from down there are very embarrassing for me. Every time I leave the house I think people can smell me, and I have become an expert noticing when someone can smell my menopause funk.

I shower twice a day, using Men’s deodorant anti-bacterial soap, Dial Odor Armor (the bar soap on under arm area and crotch), after drying off, I then use unscented antibacterial ointment to kill the underarm bacterial that are creating the stink from my sweat, and top if off with men’s deodorant & antiperspirant- Old Spice Bearglove. If you have not tried this Old Spice Bearglove deodorant/antiperspirant, go buy it now. It smells kind of like sweet apples, not your dad’s old spice.
This layered approach seems to be helping. Please note- I am using MENS products created or the strongest of men’s funk. Women’s deodorant/antiperspirant does NOT work in the slightest for me. Then to top off my layers of antibacterial & deodorant with a woman’s fragrance, spray my chest and back of neck with a nice fresh perfume, I have a collection of fragrances that help create a more feminine scent around me.

For down there, I carry flushable wipes to wipe away any lingering urine smell which is really pungent. I did try a vag. deodorant, but ended up with a UTI , so gave that up.

I drink a lot of water to keep flushing everything. I don’t eat onions, any cucerfous vegetables, pungent spices (except cinnamon which seems okay), fish or table sugar or alcohol. All of those make my BO WAY worse, especially the alcohol, which is next level stink. Multi-vitamins make me smellier too, Idk why. Getting any sun exposure also makes me stink, all over my entire body like a mix of burnt skin, bad bo & metal shavings, Idk why.

I work out daily and try to time my work out when the gym is relatively empty (late at night or mid afternoon) because I get “looks” while I’m sweating it out, which are clearly from my BO hormonal issues; My hell pits can clear out a section of the gym in 2 minutes flat.

I’m itchy too and have a rash sometimes that looks like sun poisoning, i think it may just be dry skin from all my washing, lol. I’m using natural coconut oil to moisturize. It purportedly has antibacterial properties.

Did I mention that I’m single and trying to date? Hell pits on first dates, sexy!

I have become a little anosmia to my stink, because I am getting used to it. I talk about my hell pits with my 3 teenage daughters all the time, because I need to vent my frustrations, and they are very supportive and will give me a sniff test when I ask. They are troopers!

Later this week, I’m getting botox to my Hell pits to stop some of the sweat. Has anyone tried that?
I hope it helps!

Best of luck ladies!!

I’m going through the same thing! I had a student tell me I smelled like onions! I’m glad I’m not going through this alone. I just hope it doesn’t last forever. I don’t want to get to my older years and still smell like red onions.

About 3 years ago, I suddenly had a change in my body odor. My sweat changed from the normal musky smell to this stinky plant and onion type of smell. I had always had good hygiene, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, eat healthy and overall had good health. As soon as my body heated up the smell would come through my arm pits, under my breasts, and in the groin area. I went to my family doctor and gyn. Initially, I did have a uti and was treated for it, but the smell didn’t go away. I tried everything!! Showered 3-4 times a day, different soaps for those areas, essential oils,natural deodorants, apple cider vinegar, got rid of hair routinely in those areas, and kept getting tested at my doctors and they didn’t find anything. For 3 years I dealt with this body odor. I just thought I was going into early menopause since I had partial hysterectomy when I was 28. One night after a “grownup time”, I decided to use the boric acid suppositories again that I’ve had and tried these last 3 years. I used it because I didn’t want to chance my ph being thrown off. The next day the smell was gone. That 3yr long smell was gone. It’s been gone for 3 months now. No more plant onion smell in my armpits, under my breast, or groin area. Feels like a miracle. I thought I was stuck with that smell for the rest of my life and I’m in my 30s. I’m just going to keep the boric acid suppositories as needed. Hopefully it can help one of you!!

I also find boric acid a miracle cure for the smell “down there” but are you saying that the vaginal suppositories also helped the smell in your armpits? I am so grossed out by my own smell! I don’t mind the smell of clean bo but this is something entirely different – like how the kitchen smells after cooking cabbage and onions the night before!

No I have not but I use peppermint soap so my ph balance stays great. And it’s strange u said armpits cause since menopause I don’t have to use deodorant anymore. Change your diet may be the answer

I use Salt of the Earth, a natural deodorant stick of salt crystals from a local health shop here in the UK. I have checked and you can buy it online. It doesn’t smell of anything in itself but it seems to neutralise any underarm smell and far more effective than the chemical stuff sold everywhere.

Although my daughter has commented that there is a smell about me and it’s worrying because I cannot smell it on myself but I there definitely a sweetish smell in the air in my room in the morning.

I agree the minerals based natural deodorants seem to work best and also no perfume so don’t interfere/disrupt.

I also shifted to salt of the earth crystal about 12 months ago and I love it. It’s my go to deodorant and I have no intention of switching back to a regular deodorant any time soon.

Hi R’gal,
Sweet smelling breath or body odour can indicate potential health problems. My advice would be to consult a doctor, even a telephone consult would be beneficial if it isn’t possible to do in person.
Good luck!

Coal tar soap

Tried Live Clean NO aluminum brand, and it gave me bad eczema -itchy patches and I still stunk! Then I tried Toms all natural deodorant and I still smelled like onions- very badly!! Eeeewwww! Now I’m trying Secret’s new NO aluminum brand and it’s not helping either in fact I think it makes me smell THE worst! I’m going to try the crystal type that some of you’ve talked about. Luckily I have a teenage daughter to whom I can pass all my used deo-trials onto! Just wipe off Mamma’s stench with a tissue and it’s good to go!! I wish I could go back to anti-perspirants, but they ( aluminum) are linked to Alzheimer’s….not happening! I’ll chime back in if the crystal works !!!! Smell ya’all later !!

I’ve always had bad smelling pits and I found rock crystal to help with that, but then it stopped working when my pit smell changed to cilantro. I use lume now to help with the smell but I noticed a new onion smell. So now I smell even more like a Mexican restaurant! I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one who is dealing with this. I hope this will eventually go away or lessen.

Do you use Antiperspirant & Deodorant. The label must say it has both or it doesn’t work well.

Totally agreed with some of the comments here. I read someone recently that menopause and peri menopausal women sometimes experience body odor due to hormonal changes and almost didn’t believe until recently my armpit, chest and breast exhibit funky odor by mid day and I find myself taking showers 2-3 daily sometimes even sitting in the bath tub, I found adding epsom salt to be helpful

I bought Dr Bronner peppermint Castile soap. In a hot flash, it cools you down. I am on the hunt for the best natural deodorant to cover this body odour and it just may be time to go back to aluminum.

I use coconut oil

Dr. Bronners is so harsh on the skin. That stuff strips every bit of moisture And natural oils out of me. I cannot pat dry fast enough in order to use my most moisturizing body butter. I use that maybe once a month as my skin cannot take it on a daily basis or I’d look like a crumpled piece of paper.

I had the same issue with sweat and strong smell in the privates. I used a lot of panty liners which helped a lot. The smell has calmed down since my period finally stopped two years ago. It would be great if the hot flashes go away.

Great to see so many comments & to know that I’m/ we’re not alone in this! Weirdly I noticed that just my left armpit smelt musty when I woke up in the morning,& I think it’s because I lay in my left side so any perspiration gets ‘trapped’? Not a sweaty smell though, just weird! I’m vegan so opt for using vegan products ( obviously!) & I’m currently using a natural cream deodorant, scented with rose geranium & patchouli. While it isn’t an anti perspirant I don’t think I sweat any more with this than I did when using an anti perspirant. I’m in UK. It’s made by a small company called blush berry botanicals, it has natural ingredients, including Shea butter, calamine powder etc & is in recyclable packaging.

I hadn’t thought about the urine smell!!! I’ve been noticing that too!! Becoming obsessed now, frantically cleaning the loo etc!

Me too…. just my left! Smells like rancid onions! So gross! Ugggg!

OMG I thought I was the only one that had it only on my left. I was starting to think it must be some sort of disease. Any ideas why the left only? I tend to sleep in different positions, so it’s not because of that.

After tryi
G every deodorant out there, to include men’s, I’ve recently tried Lumé deodorant. I really like it and it works for me. I ordered the trial tubes and selected different scents. I use it on all my parts (armpits, crotch, and yesterday in my feet!). It really controls wetness and body odor. Honestly, I’m amazed at how well it works. The spruce scent is nice- not too sweet.

Hi Lady warriors! I’m from USA, NJ specifically. Love this blog because at 51 years old and going on my second yr of peri menopause, I’m in high stink and night drenching. My daughter told me today I smell like baby pee. Of course I’m not happy to hear that! It seems as though the night sweats really increase the body stank, but now it’s an all day thing? Ugh. I agree with the comments about the strong pee smell and change in color to an yellow orange. Love that you all have given me great suggestions on natural deodorants! Going yo order a few to test out. Seeing the gyno tomorrow , maybe she can give me some tips. March on stink sistas! ?

Hi .have same problem.. mixing baking soda, peroxide..and I use cucumber slices for under arms during the day . Unbelievable..but true..Take care!

Does anyone else have issues with vaginal discharge that doesn’t smell, but is clear and dries like glue or paste in your undergarments? I am having this happen pretty much non-stop daily for the last several weeks and wonder if this could be due to menopause, especially because my armpits also stink, but Google is not helping. Plan to ask GP soon, but he is not much help with menopause issues–actually told me to look on Amazon for a book about it bc he couldn’t really answer my questions?!? UGH.

Hi BB, I also have this ‘ glue’ problem
I started Peri mode last May, I’ll be 50 in June
So in May I noticed extreme sweat at night
& some Hot flashes, that wonderful
Stinkiness in my pits, body, vagjj!!
So I just assumed the ‘glue’ was yet
another fun symptom of peri menopause
Messi ng with my body. Oh yeah!! 😆
It doesn’t have a bad smell though. Mostly like
You are not alone!

Thank you, Robin, for starting this feed! I simply googled “ premenopause, body odor, & vinegar”, and it brought your link to my attention! I’m 53 and the onion pits are horrible!! I’ve been cleansing crazily, trying different deodorants, hydrate constantly, and started to think that maybe using vinegar to neutralize whatever is manifesting in my stink pits would work? I was just questioning if vinegar was used by any one else and in your feed some one suggested apple cider vinegar. I’m gonna try that next! I thought I was going to loose my mind, I’m so happy that their are so many of us out there with similar menopausal issues. Some one mentioned their sense of smell being off and I can relate to that too! Thank you for starting this dialogue ?

Nume! New product out there for smells. One uses where smells gather, supposedly works all day, have not tried, saw on tv.

I have found that going through menopause you have to be honest about your sweat. I have been menopausaI for 13 years and can no longer wear perfume so I wear scented lotions like Lavender or Sandalwood for an important occasion.
I only use antibacterial soap when going out because it kills bacteria from the sweat. The best soap I use is from Amazon and it’s called Scent Away. It’s a soap used by hunters and its great.
I use lemon juice as my deoderant. My sister and her daughters use lime juice. I wash my lady and bum in Summers Eve Fragrance Free wash or Dove Sensitive Soap. I use LUME on my lady hair, back crack, and buns. I use Cerave lotion on my feet and body.
I also go to the Dollar Tree every March and buy several fans and keep one on my chair, on my nightstand, and one in my purse. These fans will keep me cool wherever and whenever I’m having a hot flash.
Remember: This too shall pass.

Boric acid suppositories work really great to maintain a healthy ph level. And for itchy skin, I use black seed oil or tea tree oil. Been using for over 5 years.Plus it diminishes scars and help fight acne.And most importantly NEVER put perfume/fragrance products down there which can also upset ph! Douching isnt good either…you flushing away your good bacteria that fights off the bad bacteria. (White washcloths only ladies)??

I am only 39, and have been in menopause for a full 4 years (12 years too early according to my dr) i deal with the hot flashes and night sweats and i thought “ok this sucks but if this is it I’m ok” but the vagigi odor is horrid. I shower daily, use wipes, shower with a vag wash, and i can still smell myself (even a few minutes out of the shower) i have just recently been tested for everything under the sun bc i was afraid it was from that (even though I’ve been abstinent for 4 years) so now I’m thoroughly convinced it’s from the changes. I’ve always been self-conscious about it but here recently my brutal child didn’t come out and tell me i stink but said politely “you smell like a woman” and i knew exactly what he was referring to….i don’t know what to do. I’ve done everything i can think of, even as far as putting deodorant on my panties…. Please help…and getting it so early when will it be over?

I downloaded this app because I am so relieved to have found this discussion. I kid you not, when this horrid oniony funk smell appeared out of nowhere, I thought I was experiencing phantom smells. I told my family I was hallucinating stink. Then I thought it was the filters in my AC. Then I considered if it was mold from a large houseplant. Still, I remained self-unaware, as I would place a lavender pouch under my nose not to smell the wretched onion stink as I tried to sleep. My adult son casually suggested, by text, that perhaps it was me. One sniff of my armpit…HORRIFIED, my body has never had this odor. I tried Lume and it made the stink much more intense. Deodorant antibacterial soap doesn’t totally rid me of it. I like the apple cider vinegar idea and will try tonight. Need to try a new deodorant and lots of suggestions here. THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY SANITY!!!

I cut lemon or lime in half and rub them on my under arms, outside my vagainal area and even the bum crack and leave it on for 1 minute before I take a shower. Doing this
Neutralizes your body odor. Hope this helps!

LUME deodorant may not keep you dry but keeps the stink away. Try the LUME soap too

I had ovaries and fallopian tubes removed 2 years ago and that put me into early menopause. I never had the ability to sweat but after menopause I noticed my bum bum and patooty always felt wet. When I pull my panties down it smells awful down there! Like something died in the underworld. I wear pantiliners to keep anything from getting on panties. There’s usually a gray like “stain” on pantiliners, weird discharge that was never there pre-menopause. I have been treated for vaginal atrophy and vaginal dermatitis. My main problem is a painful smelly butt sweat. I have tried Monkey Butt and Caldesene. Both would give immediate relief but once bum sweats the Zinc Oxide irritates my patooty. My butt cheeks (exterior) are dry, it’s the fold close to butthole that seems to stay moist and it becomes painful if I can’t tend to it right away. Pure cornstarch also brings immediate relief but it just doesn’t last. These symptoms are all new since I had partial hysterectomy. I keep feminine wipes in bathroom so after I use bathroom and wipe with TP, I wipe with feminine wipe to clean and refresh. I probably need to speak with my doctor, OBGYN or Oncologist, but (no pun intended) it’s an embarrassing thing for me to talk about because I just feel like I’m “dirty down there.” I stumbled upon this chat while researching how to alleviate the smell and discomfort so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Note: Earlier today I ordered Squirrel’s Nut Butter All Natural Anti Chafe Salve, Stick Applicator from Amazon.

I thank you guys for talking about this, so now I no longer think I’m going crazy….smelling like burnt coffee down there currently and these odors seem to switch every 2 weeks this menopause is horrible, every month a new symptom this is the worst so far with my heighten smell sensory . Trying everything to get back to normal. Do it ever end?

Hi I’m so glad to find this! Wondered if I was the only one, so embarrassed by vaj smells – thanking god lately I’ve been working from home. I’m going to try out some of the products suggested here! I’m peri but inching closer to menopause and I’ve been taking Promensil for night sweats – went from daily drenching of sheets to no sweats. Its made a big difference. I take one every two days because they are pricey. Going to have to up my game with the vaj tho! Take care ladies, as least we’re not alone!

It’s really nice to have a community of women who are dealing with the real issue of menopause. My life has turned upside down I’ve isolated myself trying to figure out what works best for my body as soon as I feel like I’ve gotta a good regimen going the smell of onion comes back like a plague! What gets me is how terribly cruel people treat you. This has been a very hurtful time in my life, and honestly I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I’ve been bathing with Hibiclens & Dove antibacterial wash deodorant is Dove Vita Care aluminum free &
Dove Whole Body Deo Aluminum Free for private areas had to get put on a low dose antibiotic and that gets rid of the foul urine smell and keeps UTIs at bay. Hopefully this will help someone.

Hi im mew here. I’m 46 and I haven’t had a menstrual for a month and a half, but before that they were not regualr anymore. Reminds me of a sputtering engine that’s about to go, lol. I have the night sweats, itchiness wverywhere i cant scratch fast enough or deep enough to relieve it, funky body odors, like a worse than musty teenage boy and these pesky long black hairs that seem to grow longer and now in drones on my chin and I can’t pluck them fast enough it seems (ugh). Have I crossed over to actual menopause? And what to do about the dang chin and lip hair? I really appriciate that I found this feed…I was beginning to feel alone in my confusion with no solutions.

Also is hrt a good way to cope with all this and if so any recommendations? I like more natural ways and I see here alot of great suggestions so I just wanted to ask peers going through the same thing I am.

Vagina smell was weird for sometime then it has just gone
Back to normal smell now, had no issues with armpits

Biork Crystal Deodorant Stick has been amazingly effective during my menopause, in fact it’s the most effective I’ve used in my life

I was thinking the same thing glad I’m not the only one

You are so not alone in this! I take a shower morning and night. I carry these deodorant wipes which I believe I purchased at Ulta. It has basically become my lunchtime routine to use these wipes to the freshen my armpits and leave a deodorant behind. I also change my deodorant, not using the same one everyday. I don’t know why it works but I don’t smell like onions. As for the “lower regions”, the smell doesn’t seem as strong with the increase of water I drink. Richer foods (which I love) and drinking alcohol seems to make the vaginal smell stronger.

Try Native products – it smells amazing. I suffered all my life with extreme excessive sweating and had perscription deodorants which just burnt my armpits. I would also have to change & wash 3 or more times a day!
Native deodorant has changed my life! You can only by it online and it is pricey but absolutely 100% worth it. I don’t sweat at all now and still smell amazing to the end of the day. All natural ingredients too.
Please try and honestly you will be converted I promise.

I use Mitchum powder scent

What deodorant are you using ? I use Mitchum stick as it’s meant to last 48hrs but doesn’t last that long.
I think with this heat we are sweating hell of alot more as I smell of onions too ?and never experienced this until recently.
Give Mitchum a try if you haven’t do so already.

I’ve had a problem with lots of deodorants not working for a few years and tried quite a few different options.
In the last couple of years I have found using a cream deodorant called feel fresh from Tropic has been fab. It is organic has a citrus fragrance that lasts all day and night.

I felt I no longer smelt fresh anymore, I changed my shower gel to La Roche posay shower gel, I used that for nearly a week and it did help, I then went back to my normal shower gel. When I got a flair up again of the smelly arms pits week later I went back to La Roche again and repeated the process, now things are back to normal.

What a great way to start my day ladies??for the downstairs smells and a grumbling Vjj anyone who has worried it’s BV or has cystitus sensations I suggest a Vaginal moisturiser. I’m using YesYes and it keeps the zone nice and quiet and fresh. Didn’t even think I was dry there but the symptom relief proves otherwise. Only use it every three days.

Yes, armpit smells are awful! Has anyone else experienced burning from using soap to clean vagina? I can’t use anything but water now or it irritates me. Organic gentle cleansers no longer work either! I believe in using soap to cleanse my body parts (especially genitals and buttocks) and this is difficult to do without getting soap on other areas. Not sure what to do. Help!

Mitchum is the best and is my go to. I don’t use anything else. Available in Coles.

I questioned the body odour smells with my GP, she wasn’t interested. So glad I have found this community as I would have thought I was going crazy.

Does anyone have phantom smells like cigarette smoke and they don’t even smoke ? Just wondered if this is related to the crazy times being a woman ?

YES! I have had the cigarette smell on and off for several years now-I don’t smoke and there are no smokers in my house or even nearby that I know of. GP said it must be a sinus problem, but I don’t have any other symptoms of a sinus problem! Drives me crazy.

If citric acid doesn’t bother you, try lemons for body odor. I use the juice from fresh lemons as a deodorant. I just squeeze the juice on my hand and apply it to my armpits, the fold of my inner thigh and the top part of the pubic area. It works better than any deodorant I’ve ever used and it’s 100% natural. The lemon juice you buy in the store like “Real Lemon” works as well if you can’t always have a fresh lemon but it contains preservatives. I would do a 24 hour patch test on the inner arm before using it as a deodorant to see if your skin has a reaction.

Thanks, I felt alone and stinky! Now at least not alone, so many changes. At times so overwhelming, I don’t recognise myself at times.

Omg. What a relief! I’ve started noticing some strange aroma’s down below on some days, especially if I wear leggings so I need to keep loose clothing on. It’s a new symptom and I thought I was going mad, which is generally how peri menopause makes me feel anyway. I sweat a lot between my legs at night – awful. if anyone has any tips for odour below I’d love to hear them

I definitely noticed this in the last 6 months. I was using an aluminum free deodorant and then switched to a Dove 48-hour deodorant with aluminum. It’s been working pretty well. I like the Caring Coconut scent.

I’m 53 and in the same menopause onion & garlic arm pit boat. I call them my “hell pits”. I can’t go two hours without stinking up my desk space at work (I’m in a cubicle). I pity the colleagues sitting near me. I notice that men seem More sensitive to the smell and cough sometimes or back away from
me because my hell pits smell so bad. Lol.

I shower 2 times a day, and scrub my armpits with an exfoliating mitt in the morning shower, and use Irish spring antibacterial soap.
Then, I use mens deodorant/antiperspirant- old spice bear glove or wolf thorn scents . They work okay for a few hours and the scent it nice and I re-apply during the day, but before lunch time I always smell the onion/garlic scent overpowering the deodorant.

I got Botox done to my pits to make them stop sweating (and hopefully stinking) so much- it was expensive and only cut down the smell by 50% and only lasted 7 months.

Please can anyone tell me how long this misery is going to last? I’m going on 4 years of this and I wonder if it will ever end….

I now know why my mother and aunts in their 50s used to douse themselves in heavy perfume and use baby powder everywhere on their bodies. It was their only options back then.

For my lady parts I carry moist towelettes with me everywhere and use them every time I go to the ladies room.

I’m 45 and think I am getting symptoms of peri menopause one being onion armpits just before and during period. I hate it, I could smell myself all day at work yesterday, couldn’t wait to get home. I swear even when I shower sometimes I can still smell it. I wash under my arms with body wash, then with a mint body wash, the after drying coconut cream, then deodorant then a body spray. Def going to try Mitchum tho!

It’s Lume, not Nume oops

I use Dr. Teals aluminum free deodorant. It contains arrowroot powder and shea butter. It isn’t like the other aluminum free deodorants that one puts on and seems to disappear within the hour. It stays on, and smells great, at least for me. Hope this helps someone!

Being well into menopause (just over 10 years now), in addition to the less than attractive scent coming from my vagina, I no longer have the “normal scent” in the area around my external labia that seems to be what makes it attractive for sex. I assume all women have a similar scent, so I’m guessing you all know what I mean. I would like it back. Any thoughts or suggestions? Products?

Try using boric acid suppositories, they work really great and help maintain a healthy ph level as well. Stay away from fragrance/perfumed products.??

Duradry absolutely works as claims!

LUME.COM Natural deodorant and body washes work EXTREMELY WELL
Hope you get this

Hi I’m 52 years old and started the menopause at 42 in the past six months my sweat at night smells really sweet, should I be concerned ?

I have real bas smell worse then but hearing wild hog smell but it’s in my growing bas and downs

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I am experiencing garlic smell inside the vagina and I am on hormona treatment replacement but I do not eat garlic and when I’m having intmacy with my partner it’s Strong smell of garlic and non. Of eat this product I really need help advice what this problem could be I’m seeing a doctor soon about this problem I just want to get to bottom of this please someone help me

Dove deodorant plus dove body spray

Ladies, first let me say thank you all for your posts. I am 50yrs old and my body is going through a transition that I have no answers to. I believe that I have been perimenopausal for years, but have been misdiagnosed by doctors. A few years back my period stopped and my doctor prescribed medicine to restart it. Long story short I thank you all for your honesty about what is going on with you and for sharing how you all dealt with each issue. My mother has passed and every woman I have asked about menopause says, they did not have any issues. Perimenopause and menopause are not talked about nearly enough. Doctors and or female family members do not prepare the generation after them for what is to come. Again, thank you all for your honesty and suggestions for dealing with some real life issues.

Want natural deodorant product no aluminum.

Im looking for how to see different topics. It brought me to a link to send email to this site. Any ideas what to do?

It is for men ,,I have the same problem but this works great it’s Old Spice Swagger Sweat Defense…it’s the best for us menopause women.

to Lisa please stop using panty liners it makes it worse and chances are you will end up with an infection down there caused by them, instead buy more cotton panties and use them only until you pass this stage.

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persimmon extract soap, available on Amazon is specifically designed for this problem. It combats the cause of the odor, a fatty acid that is produced in your oil glands. nonenal, in increasing amounts as you get older. Can start as young as 40. The tannins break down the fatty acids and thus the odor. Using an absorbent body powder under the arms and loose cotton clothing are also helpful. Carry your deodorant with you to touch up your scent during the day and drink lots of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables avoidng onions, garlic, heavy spices, and heavy meats.

You can use deodorant with no aluminum in
That’s what works

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